[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

Bill Gunshannon bill.gunshannon at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 15:37:31 EDT 2016

On 9/29/16 9:10 AM, Bob Koehler wrote:
> In article <CVVGz.628530$uE7.483360 at fx14.ams1>, Dirk Munk <munk at home.nl> writes:
>> What he meant was i.m.o. is that if so many people buy the
>> kind of BS that Trump is selling, that a man like Hitler could also be
>> elected.
>     The one relavent difference being that Hitler didn't like Jews, but
>     Trump doesn't like Muslims.

Jews weren't trying to take over the world and impose Halakha on
everyone.  They also didn't go around blowing up innocent bystanders.


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