[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Fri Sep 30 01:11:29 EDT 2016

Phillip Helbig (undress to reply) wrote:
> In article <e558rqFm2lnU1 at mid.individual.net>, Bill Gunshannon
> <bill.gunshannon at gmail.com> writes: 
>> Jews weren't trying to take over the world and impose Halakha on
>> everyone.  They also didn't go around blowing up innocent bystanders.
> True, and this explains some of the fear, and is not necessarily 
> irrational.  However, far more people in the USA are killed by Christian 
> US citizens than are killed by Muslims (US citizens or not), probably 
> even allowing for the larger number of US Christians.

But not several thousand in one day ....

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