[Info-vax] Multiple OpenVMS instances on HPVM?

Stephen Hoffman seaohveh at hoffmanlabs.invalid
Fri Sep 30 16:54:41 EDT 2016

On 2016-09-30 20:04:38 +0000, lars.flagan at gmail.com said:

> Copany is looking to replace a bunch of Alpha systems with Integrity. 
> As the hardware us rather pricy we're lokking so save costs. For 
> development and test environments, would it be possible to run multiple 
> OpenVMS guests on the same hardware simultaneously using HPVM? If so, 
> what are the licensing implications of such setup? Asume it would it be 
> cheaper than buying more hardware and running each instance on 
> dedicated irons? Further how complicated is setup and management of 
> such environment.

Contact the folks at VSI, and see if they'll sell you VSI OpenVMS I64 
software licenses for used Integrity servers.  Also ask about any 
current license migration programs they might be offering.

HPE isn't actively maintaining and updating HPE OpenVMS I64 on HPE 
HP-VM, AFAICT.   The configurations with HPE OpenVMS support are 
getting older, and the underlying and associated HPE OpenVMS and HPE 
HP-VM releases haven't been updated in a while.    I don't know if VSI 
is even supporting the HPE HP-VM configurations, particularly given the 
current release specs don't list that.    That'd all be worth a direct 
discussion directly with the VSI folks.   But in general, HP-VM 
wouldn't be my preferred approach here.

VSI: http://vmssoftware.com
Current OpenVMS release: V8.4-2L1: 

Pure Personal Opinion | HoffmanLabs LLC 

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