[Info-vax] product not installing

Steven Schweda sms.antinode at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 17:38:04 EDT 2016

   I assume that this is yet another hopeless exercise, but
I'll give it a try.

> > VMS doesn't "has ZIP", but it can be downloaded. Sometimes there are
> > a copies on the same wen page where the CC kit was in the first place.
>     I logged into 'system' and I noticed that.

   You logged into _what_?  As _user_ "system"?  You noticed
_what_?  That VMS doesn't include Info-ZIP  programs?  That
they can be downloaded?  That there are copies near the C
compiler kit?

>  There was no zip or unip for vax at the download site HP gave me.

   Even if that's true, your Web search for, say:
      vax unzip.exe
found nothing useful?

>  It is accessable by ftp, sftp, dropbox and a couple other ways.

   _What_ is?

>  They don't want you giving this out per license agreement.

   Who doesn't want whom to give out what why?

> I guess they give it to everyone individually.

   You guess that who gives out what to whom?

>     The C compiler pages to install is 100K blocks.

   Huh?  About _what_, exactly, are you talking?  As usual,
showing actual commands with their actual output can be more
helpful than vague descriptions or interpretations.

>     Now is this not a global pages or sections setting?

   Huh?  About _what_, exactly, are you talking?

   Perhaps you should guess and suppose less, and use
pronouns less.  You may know what you mean, but the
non-psychics in your audience may not.  If you expect useful
answers, then asking intelligible questions may help.  If
you're only blithering (blathering?), then you're poisoning
the well from which you may later wish to draw water.

>       http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

   Like water off a duck's back.  Do you have some kind of
mental disability which renders you unable to form a clear,
useful question or problem description?

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