[Info-vax] VSI and Process Software announcement

Dirk Munk munk at home.nl
Fri Sep 30 19:14:09 EDT 2016

Bill Gunshannon wrote:
> On 9/29/16 9:10 AM, Bob Koehler wrote:
>> In article <CVVGz.628530$uE7.483360 at fx14.ams1>, Dirk Munk
>> <munk at home.nl> writes:
>>> What he meant was i.m.o. is that if so many people buy the
>>> kind of BS that Trump is selling, that a man like Hitler could also be
>>> elected.
>>     The one relavent difference being that Hitler didn't like Jews, but
>>     Trump doesn't like Muslims.
> Jews weren't trying to take over the world

No, but Hitler claimed that they were doing just that. Hitler accused 
the Jews of all kind of things. Sounds familiar?

In those days anti-Semitism was normal, not the horrible type of the 
Nazis, but Jews were not popular anywhere. So nobody really cared what 
happened to them. Even when the allieds knew what was going on in 
Auschwitz, they refused to bomb the railroad and the gas chambers. It 
was of no military value.

And these days we're watching how the Syrian government and the Russians 
are murdering the people of Aleppo. Who cares, they are just Muslims.

> and impose Halakha on
> everyone.  They also didn't go around blowing up innocent bystanders.
> bill

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