[Info-vax] Goodbye VAX

Phillip Helbig undress to reply helbig at asclothestro.multivax.de
Sun Jan 2 09:39:02 EST 2022

In article <sqrp90$rou$3 at dont-email.me>, Simon Clubley
<clubley at remove_me.eisner.decus.org-Earth.UFP> writes: 

> On 2022-01-01, George Cornelius <cornelius at eisner.decus.org> wrote:
> >
> > And we all gave Bruce Mitchell h%ll for wearing his infamous "Screw the LMF" teeshirt to a Symposium.
> >
> I wonder, when x86-64 production licences come out, if VSI will take
> the opportunity to implement much more robust licence keys that cannot
> be easily bypassed (especially if they also take the opportunity to
> start signing core images so that they can't be patched to bypass
> such licencing).
> They obviously have no backwards compatibility licencing issues at the
> moment with x86-64 so it's the perfect time for them to implement such
> licencing changes. :-)

They probably will, one reason being people who publicly state that they 
will do all they can to bypass LMF.

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