[Info-vax] Alternative _legal_ operating systems for VAX ?

Scott Dorsey kludge at panix.com
Sun Jan 2 15:23:55 EST 2022

Johnny Billquist  <bqt at softjar.se> wrote:
>On 2022-01-02 16:11, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
>> Wikipedia lists BSD 4.3, NetBSD, OpenBSD and something called Xinu
>> as open source options for VAX.
>As far as I know Mt. Xinu (read it backwards? ;-) ) wasn't free. I ran 
>it on an 8650 for a while. I think I still know where the manuals are, 
>but I'm unsure if I know where the tapes are...

I think you are talking about two different things.  Mt. Xinu made a
number of commercial products.  XINU was a unixlike kernel without much
else; it was not a full "OS distribution" as we would call it today,
but it was open source.  It was an interesting demo for students but
it was not actually useful for anything.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

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