[Info-vax] In praise of DEC's keypad power

Henry Crun mike at rechtman.com
Wed Jan 5 10:05:05 EST 2022

On 05/01/2022 12:10, George Cornelius wrote:
> Slo <slovuj at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm surprised that in recent EDT discussions no one here
>> mentioned K52/KED, the editors I remember using on RSX-11,
>> around 1980. EDT and the rest must have evolved
>> from them - the mapping and functions are 100% identical.
>> https://avitech.com.au/?page_id=959
>> I remember clearly when a colleague showed it to me, and
>> I shrugged it away. After all, I felt productive with
>> EDI. Where are the line numbers in KED? How do you
>> know where you are and how do you jump to line 55?
>> Moving around the screen just felt so inferior, almost a toy,
>> I was totally confused. Screen editing???
> Went to RSX11M school - two weeks in Bedford - way back when.
> They had us use EDI. But got back home and began using EDT
> version 1.  Quite limited and not much like the screen mode
> in V2.
> When EDT 2.0 arrived for 11M it was much nicer, but overlaid to
> the hilt. Better on 11M+ with supervisor mode libraries and
> separate I&D space.  I decided it was maybe Bliss and being
> cross-compiled on the 36 bit systems and therefore suffered
> from a bit of bloat compared to the other editors.
> Did not use KED until later when I got an RT-11 system
> at home.  Do not know if it was EDT or KED that was the
> original.
> George

IIRC in early versions of RSTS, KED would open any file, including the user/password list ACCT.SYS
useful in case you lost your password, or needed to login to [1,2]
Nobody gave any notice to security, everyone was trusted...

Mike R.
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