[Info-vax] upgrading to VSI VMS---and back

Phillip Helbig undress to reply helbig at asclothestro.multivax.de
Thu Jan 6 10:24:52 EST 2022

In article <sr70fq$mlk$1 at dont-email.me>, Dave Froble
<davef at tsoft-inc.com> writes: 

> On 1/6/2022 6:51 AM, Phillip Helbig (undress to reply) wrote:
> > I want to upgrade to VSI VMS.  However, I'm worried that---like those
> > with commercial VSI licenses---at some point licenses will no longer be
> > available (at reasonable cost).  I am somewhat unusual as a hobbyist in
> > that I actually bought some commercial licenses back in the day, so if
> > worst comes to worst I can continue to run a hobbyist cluster (though
> > only with a couple of small machines with an old version of VMS).
> Lets take a look at those "purchased VMS licenses" ...

No square quotes necessary; just a normal purchase.  I probably still 
have the paperwork.

> Exactly what version of VMS did you purchase?  Assuming that you've been using 
> hobbyist licenses, that's over now.  Will you be now using those "purchased VMS 
> licenses"?  If so, what version of VMS did you purchase, and what version of VMS 
> are you running?

In case you missed it in what you quoted above, here it is again:

> > I can continue to run a hobbyist cluster (though
> > only with a couple of small machines with an old version of VMS).

Seems clear enough for anyone.

> My understanding is that the SCS protocol for x86 will be different, thus it 
> won't work.  There is to be a patch or such for Alpha and itanic for
> this, 

If I understand correctly, it is already in VMS from VSI.

> but not for VAX.

I didn't mention VAX at all.  I switched off my VAXen more than 10 years 

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