[Info-vax] upgrading to VSI VMS---and back

Phillip Helbig undress to reply helbig at asclothestro.multivax.de
Thu Jan 6 10:33:06 EST 2022

In article <4246c283-6a6b-4838-bc87-ee6347b6b36dn at googlegroups.com>,
Volker Halle <volker_halle at hotmail.com> writes: 

> here is the OpenVMS cluster compatibility matrix:
> https://vmssoftware.com/products/clusters/

Better than I remember and better than some here have suggested.  Alpha
only: no problem mixing HPE and VSI.  VSI Alpha and x86?  No problem.
Even HPE Alpha and x86 is possible for migration (with 8.4, apparently
completely supported).  (Even VAX, not to mention Itanium, are also
possible, though it's not clear what is the maximum number of different
architectures there could be in one cluster.) 

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