[Info-vax] Meditech in the news

Arne Vajhøj arne at vajhoej.dk
Thu Jan 6 10:46:11 EST 2022

On 1/6/2022 10:27 AM, Robert A. Brooks wrote:
> On 1/6/2022 4:40 AM, Ian Miller wrote:
>> On Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 4:08:27 AM UTC, Robert A. Brooks wrote:
>>> On 1/5/2022 10:46 PM, George Cornelius wrote:
>>>> Oh, and as a VMS guy I was eventually stuck back at VMS 7.3-2 because
>>>> Intersystems refused to port to newer versions or to Itanium, and by
>>>> that time they owned Digital's DSM as well as their own (M/VX or ISM).
>>> InterSystems supports Cache on IA64 on VSI's VMS V8.4-1H1
>> "InterSystems supports Cache on IA64 on VSI's VMS V8.4-1H1"
>> That's good but do they plan to support current VSI VMS V8.4-2L3 ?
> Ask InterSystems.

If someone really wants to know then that is the obvious route.

But the question and the other question whether they will support VMS 
x86-64 are interesting.

One may not like MUMPS and its variants. But the healthcare sector
got money. That makes it an interesting market for VMS and VSI.

There are lots of markets that are extremely price competitive
and where VSI's VMS price will be compared to RHEL and various
no-cost Linux distros and every hundred dollars count.

But for a big hospital chain that spend hundreds of millions
of dollars on IT every year, then VMS Licenses and 24x7 VMS
support will be white noise in the budget.

Potentially very good customers.

But only potential customers if the application software is there!!


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