[Info-vax] Does EVE (or EDIT/TPU) have an undo command?

Arne Vajhøj arne at vajhoej.dk
Sun Jan 9 18:47:54 EST 2022

On 1/8/2022 10:51 PM, alanfe... at gmail.com wrote:
> Can't find it. Apologies if I missed it somehow.
> In EDT there actually is a workaround, but it's not pretty:
> Open the journal file in EDT. Press ESC and then the defined key you
> regret you pressed for each such key to see what its translation is.
> Delete that. Delete your goof(s) at the bottom and exit.
> Then open your file again in EDT, but this time with the /RECOVER
> qualifier.
> Yeah, pretty clumsy, but it works!
> Is there anything like this for EVE or TPU or whatever? An actual
> built-in UNDO command or some workaround like the above? (Apologies
> if I missed it somewhere.)
> And yes, EVE's QUIT "Are you sure . . . ?" bit is pretty good. as
> QUIT in EDT can be ruinous.
> Just curious. Please, let's not start an editor war. I already know
> EVE/TPU/LSE and other whiz-bang editors have lots of stuff EDT
> doesn't. I know. I acknowledge it. I am not claiming otherwise. I am
> asking ONLY about UNDO capability. Thanks!

I have never heard about it and I can't find it in the docs either.

And I have been using EVE for 34 years.


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