[Info-vax] 64-bit Windows on Alpha

John Dallman jgd at cix.co.uk
Tue Jan 11 08:52:00 EST 2022

In article <j45e6cFbdmcU1 at mid.individual.net>, andrew at netneurotic.net
(Andrew Brehm) wrote:

> Wikipedia mentions that
> "During development, there was a build for the Alpha which was 
> abandoned in the final stages of development (between RC1 and RC2) 
> after Compaq announced they had dropped support for Windows NT on 
> Alpha."

I did some porting work on my employers' product using the Itanium
simulator on 32-bit Windows. The simulator was /really/ slow. I did
suggest to my Intel contact that Alpha would have been a better platform
for it, and the response was "Yes ... but we wouldn't do that, would we?"


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