[Info-vax] Goodbye VAX

John H. Reinhardt johnhreinhardt at thereinhardts.org
Tue Jan 11 22:34:23 EST 2022

On 1/11/2022 5:39 PM, Subcommandante XDelta wrote:
> Dear Mr Reinhardt,
> The VLF thank you very much for taking comp.os.vms on a guided tour,
> sheltered workshop, of our, 2012, LMFGEN release, along the path to
> relieving themselves of any VAX/VMS misery, it is very much
> appreciated. And we do also compliment you on your ultra-dry sense of
> humour.

Thank you. I get that from my mother.  She was of extremely dry wit.

> The principal inaccuracy is that we did not release our source code,in
> that release, you must be conflating that with some other PAKGEN kit
> floating about.

It appears you are correct and I was mistaken.  Delving back into my files I see that the RAR file did NOT have pakgen.c in it.  It did have the Windows executable, the generated PAKs and other things.  I must have moved the c source into the directory from  some other place.  My apologies.

John H. Reinhardt

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