[Info-vax] Goodbye VAX

Arne Vajhøj arne at vajhoej.dk
Wed Jan 12 20:10:13 EST 2022

On 1/12/2022 7:54 PM, Dave Froble wrote:
> On 1/12/2022 4:56 PM, Bob Eager wrote:
>> On Wed, 12 Jan 2022 13:49:39 -0500, Dave Froble wrote:
>>> Perhaps people should not jump to conclusions based upon what they read
>>> in the news.  The "news" has the agenda of "selling" the news.  Perhaps
>>> they are not totally unbiased.  This incident really sounds like an
>>> "accident",
>>> which happens all too often.
>> Well, of course it was an accident. But it was caused by carelessness.
> Was it caused by carelessness?  The news makes a big deal of this, 
> perhaps because of diplomatic immunity.  I'd rather look at whatever in 
> depth investigation may have been done.
> Carelessness?  Well, anytime anything doesn't happen perfectly, there 
> can be accusations of carelessness.  Always part of the answer.  But 
> there are degrees to just about everything.  Was it dark?  What was the 
> visibility?

If the case goes to trial the that is what jury and judge will
have to figure out.

A US citizen driving in the wrong side of the road in the UK
immediately raises suspicion about carelessness.

And the CPS (DA) wanted to press charges. Which hopefully indicate
that they believe there are some evidence of anything criminal. People
get acquitted in court every day, but people should not be charged
if the prosecutor knows that there is no chance of a conviction.

> I'm not aware of any results of an in depth investigation being made 
> public.

The prosecutor will have asked the police to do an in depth
investigation before taking action. Especially if they know that
they will have to fight Foreign Office (State Department) in court.

But again obviously the evidence needed to bring a case to court is
less than the evidence needed to convict.


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