[Info-vax] highlight.js & DCL

Jeffrey H. Coffield jeffrey at digitalsynergyinc.com
Wed Jan 19 12:22:13 EST 2022

On 01/18/2022 04:56 PM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
> Long shot, but has anyone added DCL support to highlight.js?
> https://highlightjs.org/
> (it hash all kinds of programming languages, bash, cmd
> etc. but no DCL)
> Arne

What do you want to do with it?

I have on my todo list to create a DCL grammar file for Antlr4 as part 
of an analysis of all the code on a VMS system. I already have created a 
VMS Basic grammar and modified a Cobol85 grammar for OpenVMS.


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