[Info-vax] Meditech in the news

George Cornelius cornelius at eisner.decus.org
Thu Jan 20 06:51:13 EST 2022

Simon Clubley <clubley at remove_me.eisner.decus.org-earth.ufp> wrote:
> On 2022-01-17, Arne Vajh?j <arne at vajhoej.dk> wrote:
>> Separate compile and link is the VMS way ...
>> I don't know how the compiled code looks like.
>> It supports /LIST but not /LIST/MACH (well it accept the
>> /MACH but does not produce anything).
>> Do we have a disassembler for VMS Alpha?
> There's the srm_check utility Stephen likes to post about.
> If someone has built binutils for Alpha, try the objdump utility.
> (I don't know if objdump works for an Alpha target however. When I was
> playing with binutils for an Alpha VMS target, there were limitations
> in the Alpha VMS support in binutils).
> You can also use SDA or the debugger to disassemble an instruction sequence.

To answer my question the debugger would work fine.  Now that
Arne has laid the groundwork I could do it myself, I guess!

Of course, the results of debugging optimized code can be interesting -
so I would of course use /DEBUG/NOOPT if it were Macro-32 .

Without that, though, Arne's example could be done:

 $ <define logical for disabling decwindows in the debugger>
 $ run/debug mumps_program

Then, at the debugger prompt, something like


(as necessary) to get to the first line of generated
code, then sequences of




and, of course,


[This is from memory.  It's been awhile.  I use a debugger include
file with shorthand for some of the heavily used commands.]

Oh, and I probably forgot


at the beginning - assuming the image was linked with /debug.


> Simon.

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