[Info-vax] The global bug bounty marketplace

Arne Vajhøj arne at vajhoej.dk
Thu Jan 20 12:52:48 EST 2022

On 1/20/2022 11:52 AM, Grant Taylor wrote:
> On 1/20/22 7:49 AM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
>> - years ago those people just got a thank you email
> Years ago there wasn't nearly the same market for bugs as there is today.
>> - in recent years many big companies has started accompanying the 
>> thank you email with a monetary rewards
> Today the big companies are now having to compete with darker hat 
> entities trying to buy the bugs and use them for malicious purposes.
>> It works fine if it is people with a day job that does the work. They 
>> work every evening for months, find a bug, get a reward and buy 
>> something nice for their wife.
>> It may not work fine if some young IT guy decide to not get a day job 
>> but try and live of bug bounties.  That is not stable income. And very 
>> likely it will be too low income.
> I question the veracity of that.  I've seen multiple Pown-to-own type 
> competitions where winners are taking home six or seven figures.  Not a 
> bad payout for a year's worth of work, (or less).

There are some that make good money. But I suspect that
the referenced article is correct that most does not
make much money. And I also suspect that those that
are really good also would make good money doing something
else because they are good.

Based on stories like:


Google paying 6.7 M$ to 662 people = average 10 K$.


MS paying 13.6 M$ to 341 people = average 40 K$


Facebook paying 2.0 M$ for 1000 reports = average 2 K$


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