[Info-vax] Just when you thought the VAX was dead...

Phillip Helbig undress to reply helbig at asclothestro.multivax.de
Fri Jan 21 10:02:03 EST 2022

In article <j4vvamFe284U1 at mid.individual.net>, Bill Gunshannon
<bill.gunshannon at gmail.com> writes: 

> I was bored this morning and it's too cold to even go the the gym,
> so......
> I was looking at the job market in various skills I have.
> Amazing how many VAX/VMS jobs are still looking for people considering
> that VAX VMS is officially dead.  :-)

It's not officially dead in that if you have a valid license (and
employers will have a license) then you can still use it.  Development 
stopped a long time ago, so no recent change (except for hobbyists). 

> Reminds me of how people like to use Indeed and Monster as proof that
> COBOL is dead even though most of the jobs posted have boilerplate
> descriptions written by people who probably have no idea what the
> requirements for the job actually are.

Even if the descriptions were correct, it wouldn't prove much, as COBOL 
people tend to keep their jobs and their successors are trained on the 
job, so even with very many COBOL jobs (and there are very many), there 
wouldn't be that many ads for COBOL skills.

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