[Info-vax] Suggestion: Adding a /SORT option to DIRECTORY and F$SEARCH ?

Jan-Erik Söderholm jan-erik.soderholm at telia.com
Thu Jan 27 02:39:51 EST 2022

Den 2022-01-27 kl. 03:51, skrev dthi... at gmail.com:
>> It would be nice to be able to see the output from a DIRECTORY command
>> optionally sorted by one of largest size, smallest size, oldest date,
>> newest date, etc.
> This sounds like a good opportunity for some community-contributed software (like the old DECUS Library).  :-))
> IIRC, there have been modified directory-like program submissions in the past.
> Write a new program, DIRECTORY2 and a CLD file to do what you'd like the modified DIRECTORY to do, either using:

>    1) Existing DIRECTORY source code from VSI,

Is that even possible?

And besides, just as with some other suggested DCL enhancement
just a week or two ago, this might be of use for a very small
part of the users of VMS systems, and enhancing DCL is probably
very low, if at all, on the wish lists of any VSI customer.

The large amount of users of VMS systems and applications
never see any DCL environment.

Must be many way more important things in VMS to enhance...

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