[Info-vax] Userland programming languages on VMS.

Bill Gunshannon bill.gunshannon at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 18:47:20 EST 2022

On 1/27/22 17:21, VAXman- at SendSpamHere.ORG wrote:
> In article <ssurv4$nm1$1 at dont-email.me>, Simon Clubley <clubley at remove_me.eisner.decus.org-Earth.UFP> writes:
>> On 2022-01-27, Arne Vajhøj <arne at vajhoej.dk> wrote:
>>> On 1/27/2022 11:25 AM, John Reagan wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 3:39:38 AM UTC-5, Dave Froble wrote:
>>>>> Why C, when there are better languages?
>>>> If you are about to use the B-word, better is relative.
>>> Obviously.
>>> But not everybody is in love with C.
>>> Personally I consider C a fine language for OS kernel development
>>> but not so great a language for more regular applications. And
>>> DIR is really an application.
>>> I am not good at VMS Basic, so I would prefer VMS Pascal.
>>> :-)
>> Pascal is acceptable, but Ada would be better. :-)
>> On a more serious note, what would be an acceptable programming language
>> for userland tools which need to be shipped as part of the operating system ?
>> Let's look at the language options for creating a new userland level
>> tool on VMS today:
>> Macro-32 and BLISS are absolutely unsuitable for obvious reasons.
> What *obvious* reasons?

Well, the first one that would come to my mind would be the diminishing
number of people who have ever seen or worked with Macro-32 and Bliss.
Heck, how many people are left that have even heard of Bliss.


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