[Info-vax] WASD demo issues

Mark Daniel mark.daniel at wasd.vsm.com.au
Thu Jan 27 19:15:07 EST 2022

On 28/1/22 12:01 am, issinoho wrote:
> On Tuesday, 25 January 2022 at 21:59:16 UTC, Mark Daniel wrote:
>> On 26/1/22 3:53 am, issinoho wrote:
8< snip 8<
> Ok, I have no idea what was going on. Flattened the install, rebuilt and now everything is good (even with SSL) - so now just trying to get PHP running. Got all the components installed and just trying now to figure out what I need in the map and global files - anyone got any Dummies Guides for this??

Decidedly odd.  But odder things have happened.


The readmore is a bit dated but these days relies on the Berryman PHP 
kits being applied.  I would update the readmore page but have failed to 
rattle Mark's cage hard enough wrt any changes to PHPWASD.C.



I'd suggest the RTE configuration.  This allows the PHP application(s) 
to reside outside the server directory structure.  Apart from demos PHP 
apps tend to be sprawling affairs.  Borrowing from the readmore...

Edit the file WASD_CONFIG_MAP and at an appropriate point (the rules are 
parsed from top to bottom) insert

    exec /app/**.php* (cgi-bin:[000000]phpwasd.exe)/app_root/*.php* \
         script=query=relaxed map=once ods=5
    pass /app/* /app_root/*

(actually this is a fairly self-contained clause and and is pretty-much 
position independent).

The 'pass /app/* /app_root/*' rule maps the app-expected path to the VMS 
installation directory, which needs to be some form of concealed device 
logical name to allow dependent paths to map naturally.  So if the 'xyz' 
app is expecting activation via the web path /xyz then it would be

    pass /xyz/* /xyz_root/*

with (for example)


The directory tree protections must allow the scripting account access.

Then check and load the mapping into the running server.

    %HTTPD-S-CHECK, map config; 0 informationals, 0 warnings, 0 errors
    %HTTPD-I-DO, "MAP"; 1 instance notified; KLAATU::WASD:80

Reproduce this approach to support each independent application.

No changes to WASD_CONFIG_GLOBAL to get this running.

This configuration will not allow any of the (if installed) example 
scripts to be activated.  To access these

    exec /cgi-bin/*.php* ($cgi-bin:[000000]phpwasd.exe)/cgi-bin/*.php* \

Most of this detail is covered in the referenced links but the 
admittedly various combinations of approaches and file systems and PHP 
versions (not to mention my understanding) accumulated over the past two 
decades make a ghastly hash (food) of configuration.

I might also take this opportunity to mention WATCH.

    The WATCH facility is a powerful adjunct in server administration.
    From the Server Administration facility (9. Server Administration)
    it provides an online, real-time, in-browser-window view of request
    processing in the running server. The ability to observe live request
    processing on an ad hoc basis, without changing server configuration
    or shutting-down/restarting the server process, makes this facility
    a great configuration and problem resolution tool.

(to avoid wrapping - see section Access Before Configuration)

In addition to the default items ...
to observe mapping rule processing  [x]Mapping
            CGI processing (variables, I/O)  [x]CGI
            DCL (PHPWASD.EXE) script processing  [x]DCL
though not necessarily all first-up, a welter of information can be 

Hope this helps, Mark.

Anyone, who using social-media, forms an opinion regarding anything 
other than the relative cuteness of this or that puppy-dog, needs 
seriously to examine their critical thinking.

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