[Info-vax] Userland programming languages on VMS.

Arne Vajhøj arne at vajhoej.dk
Thu Jan 27 20:31:53 EST 2022

On 1/27/2022 5:13 PM, Steven Schweda wrote:
>> [...] As far as I can see, it's only C or maybe C++.
>     Choosing one and sticking with it might help to reduce the annoyances
> resulting when every program does its file I/O in an idiosyncratic
> (language-specific?) way.  I realize that almost anything can be done in
> almost any language, but expecting anyone to write his own exotic
> user-open routine for every file just to get consistent attributes seems
> unrealistic.

I believe all VMS languages has options in open for specifying
the file attributes.




Which I do not consider exotic.


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