[Info-vax] WASD demo issues

Mark Daniel mark.daniel at wasd.vsm.com.au
Sat Jan 29 07:19:30 EST 2022

On 29/1/22 8:27 pm, issinoho wrote:
> On Saturday, 29 January 2022 at 03:17:06 UTC, Mark Daniel wrote:
>> On 28/1/22 9:54 am, issinoho wrote:
>>> On Thursday, 27 January 2022 at 13:31:29 UTC, issinoho wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday, 25 January 2022 at 21:59:16 UTC, Mark Daniel wrote:
>>>>> On 26/1/22 3:53 am, issinoho wrote:
8< snip 8<
> So, Mark Berryman's 7.2.29 is working well, however 7.4.27 (both posted versions) gives the following response...
> ERROR 502  -  External agent did not respond (or not acceptably).
> And here's the WATCHER trace...
> 29-JAN-2022 00:06:09  WATCH REPORT  axpbox.home:80
> --------------------------------------------------
> HTTPD_SSL 12.0.0 25-JAN-2022 22:23:06.36 DKA0:[WASD_ROOT.][AXP]HTTPD_SSL.EXE (25-JAN-2022 22:23:05.17)
> HP TCPIP$IPC_SHR V5.7-ECO5 (08-NOV-2014 13:06:10.02)
8< snip 8<
> |Time_______|Module__|Line|Item__|Category__|Event...|
> |00:06:13.69 DCL      4470 000000 DCL        USERNAME HTTP$NOBODY|
> |00:06:13.69 DCL      4586 000000 DCL        CREATE detached pid:00001DF1 priority 4|
> |00:06:13.69 NET      2151 000001 CONNECT    ACCEPTED,64347 on http://axpbox.home,80 ( BG18857:|
> AST:1939/2000 BIO:1945/2000 BYT:4873408/4999424 DIO:996/1000 ENQ:471/500 FIL:293/300 PGFL:460480/500000 PRC:0/100 TQ:97/100
> |00:06:13.74 ERROR    0463 ****** INTERNAL   CGI:2285, not a strict CGI response|
> |00:06:13.75 DCL      4829 000000 DCL        DELPRC pid:00001DF1|
> |00:06:13.75 DCL      4873 000000 DCL        DETACHED completion pid:00001DF1 %X00002BD4 (%SYSTEM-F-EXITFORCED, forced exit of image or process by SYS$DELPRC)|
8< snip 8<
> |00:07:08.92 end|

As there is nothing from the PHPWASD.EXE being included in the WATCH 
report it suggests the executable is failing to activate.  What does the 
following command result in?

$ mcr cgi_exe:phpwasd.exe /version
PHPWASD IA64-1.4.7, 80400000, 30-OCT-2017 16:08:48.77
PHP 7.1.11, PHPSHR, 30-OCT-2017 13:59:30.40

There may be failure data recorded in the server process log.  It can be 
accessed via the Server Admin [Log+] report, or from your WATCH report 
indicated log file


All server process logs may be found via logical name WASD_SERVER_LOGS.

> I've also just noticed the error, ZLIB %X00018292 (%RMS-E-FNF, file not found)
> AXPBOX::prod sho prod zlib
> ------------------------------------ ----------- ---------
> PRODUCT                              KIT TYPE    STATE
> ------------------------------------ ----------- ---------
> JFP AXPVMS ZLIB V1.2-7               Full LP     Installed
> ------------------------------------ ----------- ---------

My server process log notes

%HTTPD-I-GZIP, using LIBZ_SHR32 V1.2.3

and the command

$ show log *libz*
8< snip 8<

8< snip 8<

The code uses a succession of logical names to identify and activate the 
shareable image.

    static $DESCRIPTOR (LibzImageDsc, "LIBZ_SHR32");
    static $DESCRIPTOR (GnvLibzImageDsc, "GNV$LIBZSHR32");
    static $DESCRIPTOR (WasdLibzImageDsc, "WASD_LIBZ_SHR32");
8< snip 8<
    status = lib$find_image_symbol (dscptr = &WasdLibzImageDsc,
                                    &ZlibVersionFn, 0, 0);
    if (status == RMS$_FNF)
       status = lib$find_image_symbol (dscptr = &GnvLibzImageDsc,
                                       &ZlibVersionFn, 0, 0);
    if (status == RMS$_FNF)
       status = lib$find_image_symbol (dscptr = &LibzImageDsc,
                                       &ZlibVersionFn, 0, 0);
    if (status == RMS$_FNF)
       GzipFindImageStatus = status;
       GzipZlibNamePtr = dscptr->dsc$a_pointer;
       FaoToStdout ("%HTTPD-W-GZIP, shareable image not found\n");

so if something obscure you could always


> Thoughts???

Fascinating as all this is to the general c.o.v. denizen it might be 
time to consider taking it to a more specialised forum.  The info-WASD 
mailing list is a low-traffic, no off-topic, conclave for such like. 
Mark Berryman is also a subscriber so you never know.


Anyone, who using social-media, forms an opinion regarding anything 
other than the relative cuteness of this or that puppy-dog, needs 
seriously to examine their critical thinking.

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