[Info-vax] Userland programming languages on VMS.

Arne Vajhøj arne at vajhoej.dk
Sat Jan 29 20:11:01 EST 2022

On 1/29/2022 7:45 PM, Bill Gunshannon wrote:
> On 1/29/22 19:26, Scott Dorsey wrote:
>> Pascal is pretty limited but makes it hard to shoot yourself in the foot.
>> And most implementations don't use null-terminated strings which are the
>> most serious source of vulnerabilities in C code.
> Isn't it time to drop this red herring.  C was not the only and
> probably not the first to use null terminated strings.

C and C++ are the only widely used languages only using
a terminator marker for strings.

>                                                        If anyone
> really cared it could have been fixed ages ago (it actually was
> in Safe C and we see how much acceptance that got!!)

People do care.

But the typical choice is to switch to another language - not to
ask for fundamental changes to C.

C is almost dead in business applications. It is still big in
platform software. But even though Microsoft and Linux are
pretty far from each other in many aspects then they do share
an interest in looking at Rust as replacement for C.


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