[Info-vax] Userland programming languages on VMS.

Richard Maher maher_rjSPAMLESS at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 30 21:43:45 EST 2022

On 30/01/2022 11:43 pm, John Dallman wrote:
> In article <st4sup$gh9$1 at gioia.aioe.org>, maher_rjSPAMLESS at hotmail.com
> (Richard Maher) wrote:
>> And if you can program some MACRO then you need a Garbage Collect
>> to cover up your lack of skill in managing memory.
> Not really. Programs written in assembly languages tend to have much
> simpler memory management schemes than ones written in high-level
> languages. If the program is at all complex, some memory allocation and
> deallocation macros are usually written, and one can make those complain
> about mismatched allocates and frees.
> John
  Yeah my bad. Should read "can't"

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