[Info-vax] Userland programming languages on VMS.

Arne Vajhøj arne at vajhoej.dk
Sun Jan 30 21:58:45 EST 2022

On 1/30/2022 9:55 PM, Bill Gunshannon wrote:
> On 1/30/22 18:23, Simon Clubley wrote:
>> On 2022-01-28, Bill Gunshannon <bill.gunshannon at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> And which Fortran standard includes "!DEC$ATTRIBUTES ADDRESS64::cy"?
>> Some programming languages have pragma statements and that is the
>> same thing.
>> $ set response/mode=good_natured
>> Or are you those people who doesn't like that newfangled Fortran
>> stuff such as free-form statements and thinks everyone should
>> write Fortran in punched card format ? :-)
> I'm one of those people who think if you significantly change
> a language you should have the courtesy to give it a new name
> and not pretend it is an already existing language.  :-)

Fortran 77 to Fortran 90 could have justified a new name.


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