[Info-vax] Decuserve.org - Anyone know why it's down?

johnwallace4 at yahoo.co.uk johnwallace4 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jan 1 07:53:23 EST 2015

On Thursday, 1 January 2015 12:09:18 UTC, Simon Clubley  wrote:
> On 2015-01-01, johnwallace4 at yahoo.co.uk <johnwallace4 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > On Thursday, 1 January 2015 04:26:44 UTC, Hein RMS van den Heuvel  wrote:
> >> 
> >> Thanks for the update. I also suggested (to Sue) to at the very
> >> least bring it back to Nemonix, but there are better offers out there
> >> it seems.
> >> 
> They thought of that, but there was apparently some issue stopping them
> from doing it.
> >
> > This may be a daft question: if the community is as important as
> > (more important than?) the ownership of the box(es) in question,
> > and the lack of community/box is hurting, and there are genuine
> > offers to provide an alternative box in a timely and affordable
> > manner...
> >
> > Why isn't at least one of the volunteers actually doing something,
> > supported by 'the community', at least on an interim basis?
> >
> It's not just a matter of hosting a few files. To recreate Eisner,
> you would need to image the entire system before then moving the
> image to another host and then arrange for a new image from the
> temporary system to be written back to Eisner when it becomes
> available once again.
> > Are there, for example, issues of ownership of **user data** from
> > EISNER, issues which have prevented some or all of the user data
> > simply being restored on another setup in another place?
> >
> The user data isn't just the data living in user directories.
> It also includes things like the Notes database (as well as the other
> shared stuff), which is a major part of what makes Eisner, well, Eisner.
> > If that is the case, would there be any value in a bare VMS+LP
> > install? Obviously it wouldn't be the same. Would it be better
> > than nothing, for sufficient people to make it worthwhile.
> >
> There would be no value in this; the resulting system would not be
> Eisner.
> VSI have clearly encountered issues bringing up a new computer room
> and I do wonder, if VSI are having this amount of trouble building a
> new computer network due to unforseen issues, what impact this is
> going to have on the development schedule for newVMS.
> Simon.
> -- 
> Simon Clubley, clubley at remove_me.eisner.decus.org-Earth.UFP
> Microsoft: Bringing you 1980s technology to a 21st century world

Thanks for that.

Some stuff you describe (backup system in one place, restore it in
another, rinse and repeat) is not rocket science, in technical terms. 
With a properly administered VMS system surely it should be a piece
of cake (it used to be when I was doing it relatively frequently).

It does become more difficult when multiple sets of organisations and
people and resources are involved, and when priorities are not exactly

I'd formed the impression, rightly or wrongly, that there was a problem
with external connectivity to the EISNER kit (whatever that might imply).
I don't remember any generic computer room issues (may have missed them).

So in your view it's EISNER (back exactly as it was) or nothing? Is
that the general view of 'the community'? 

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