[Info-vax] Decuserve.org - Anyone know why it's down?

terry+googleblog at tmk.com terry+googleblog at tmk.com
Thu Jan 1 10:38:20 EST 2015

On Thursday, January 1, 2015 9:46:05 AM UTC-5, VAXman- wrote:
> I believe that the community never expected this to take, literally, months
> to relocate EISNER.  It was also done without much/any of the community even
> knowing of the move.  Some planning might have allowed for a temporary site
> until the EISNER relocation and reconnection was effected, but that wasn't in
> the stars. :(

I would hope that before the system was shipped anywhere, that a set of backups was taken and verified, and saved elsewhere. Otherwise, any loss / damage to the system could destroy the decades of work represented by that system.

I don't know what the EISNER:: hardware is these days. It was a MicroVAX II with RA8x's when I received it, and when it left my site it was a DS20 with a TL891 library. I did the initial migration to Alpha and haggled with the powers that be to get decent hardware (the DS20 and library) instead of the junk they tried providing. I believe it collected an InfoServer somewhere along the line, along with additional external disk shelves.

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