[Info-vax] Decuserve.org - Anyone know why it's down?

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Thu Jan 1 11:13:37 EST 2015

Simon Clubley wrote:
> On 2015-01-01, johnwallace4 at yahoo.co.uk <johnwallace4 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> On Thursday, 1 January 2015 04:26:44 UTC, Hein RMS van den Heuvel  wrote:
>>> Thanks for the update. I also suggested (to Sue) to at the very
>>> least bring it back to Nemonix, but there are better offers out there
>>> it seems.
> They thought of that, but there was apparently some issue stopping them
> from doing it.
>> This may be a daft question: if the community is as important as
>> (more important than?) the ownership of the box(es) in question,
>> and the lack of community/box is hurting, and there are genuine
>> offers to provide an alternative box in a timely and affordable
>> manner...
>> Why isn't at least one of the volunteers actually doing something,
>> supported by 'the community', at least on an interim basis?
> It's not just a matter of hosting a few files. To recreate Eisner,
> you would need to image the entire system before then moving the
> image to another host and then arrange for a new image from the
> temporary system to be written back to Eisner when it becomes
> available once again.

This isn't rocket science, anymore.  Even dumb old me could do it 
easily.  If there are a bunch of CDs involved, make them LD disks and be 
done with the CD drives.

>> Are there, for example, issues of ownership of **user data** from
>> EISNER, issues which have prevented some or all of the user data
>> simply being restored on another setup in another place?

On a publicly available system?  I'd doubt this.

> The user data isn't just the data living in user directories.
> It also includes things like the Notes database (as well as the other
> shared stuff), which is a major part of what makes Eisner, well, Eisner.

BACKUP doesn't seem to care.  It just works.

>> If that is the case, would there be any value in a bare VMS+LP
>> install? Obviously it wouldn't be the same. Would it be better
>> than nothing, for sufficient people to make it worthwhile.
> There would be no value in this; the resulting system would not be
> Eisner.
> VSI have clearly encountered issues bringing up a new computer room
> and I do wonder, if VSI are having this amount of trouble building a
> new computer network due to unforseen issues, what impact this is
> going to have on the development schedule for newVMS.
> Simon.

It may not be an issue inside VSI.  Haven't done such lately, but I do 
remember the pain of waiting for others, such as the communication 
company, getting around to getting you connected.

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