[Info-vax] "proper" ownership for high-level system files

Stephen Hoffman seaohveh at hoffmanlabs.invalid
Thu Jan 1 14:57:29 EST 2015

On 2015-01-01 18:18:06 +0000, Phillip Helbig (undress to reply said:

> What is the "proper" ownership for
>    SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000]*.*

$ help initialize /system



     Requires a system UIC or SYSPRV (system privilege) privilege.

     Defines a system volume. The owner UIC defaults to [1,1].
     Protection defaults to complete access by all ownership
     categories, except that only system processes can create top-
     level directories.

That's for system-created and volume-level files in the root directory (MFD).

User-created files in the root directory (MFD) have user-specified 
protections and ownership.

>    SYS$SPECIFIC:[000000]*.*

Go read <http://h71000.www7.hp.com/doc/84final/ba554_90015/apb.html>.

The VMS$COMMON.DIR is an alias directory entry for all of the 
[SYS*]SYSCOMMON.DIR directory entries present; that's all the same 
directory, and the same files.

> Whether it matters whether it is [SYSTEM] or [1,1] or whatever is a  
> separate, but also interesting, question.

See INITIALIZE /SYSTEM.   Objects including files and volumes that are 
owned by [SYSTEM] (such as directories or volumes initialized 
/OWNER=[SYSTEM]) are [1,4].

Given you are a professional provider of IT services for VMS, you'll 
want to become more familiar with the contents of the VMS manuals, and 
initially particularly the system manager's manuals (both volumes) and 
the security manual.  The rest of the VMS manuals are worth skimming, 
as your IT time allows.

Pure Personal Opinion | HoffmanLabs LLC

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