[Info-vax] Decuserve.org - Anyone know why it's down?

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Thu Jan 1 19:42:33 EST 2015

Norm Raphael wrote:
> As much as it pains me to say this, Sue & Co. should by now 
> be fully aware of the sense of a broken trust in the community, 
> and be moving heaven and earth to got Eisner back; VSI's 
> credibility in now in the wind.
> As is evident from the conversation, there is a perceived lack 
> of professionalism and failure to respond to offers that bodes 
> ill for the future. Eisner and its community deserve better.
>  (It's almost like the credibility of the old VMS roadmaps....)
>  Norman F. Raphael
> "Everything worthwhile eventually 
> degenerates into real work." -Murphy

While I don't know much about these things, I do wonder whether the 
issues include changing the access.  I'd guess most users have the URL 
saved somewhere.  If the entity was hosted elsewhere, might not the 
access change, and then change again when the entity is up and running 
in Bolton?

I really don't know what's involved in changing such access, and what 
gremlins pop up when doing such.

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