[Info-vax] Decuserve.org - Anyone know why it's down?

Phillip Helbig undress to reply helbig at asclothestro.multivax.de
Mon Jan 5 16:52:40 EST 2015

In article <mailman.57.1420479104.17950.info-vax_rbnsn.com at rbnsn.com>,
Javier Henderson <javier at kjsl.org> writes: 

> Most home service ISPs block TCP/25, though most will let you relay 
> through their own email infrastructure.

There was a huge discussion about this here in comp.os.vms recently.  
Yes, many people don't accept mail from "dial-up" IP addresses, and many 
ISPs won't let it through, since it is mostly spam.  But many providers 
offer an SMTP relay server.  Anyone who blocks email relayed through 
such a server, which itself does not relay spam, even if it ultimately 
originates from a "dial-up" IP address, probably doesn't know why he is 
doing it.  If anything, it is a guarantee that such email is legitimate.

I've been sending email via such a setup for almost 15 years.  Never had 
any problems.  No, there are no emails which didn't make it through so I 
don't know what I'm missing.  For all emails I send, I have a way of 
knowing if they were received---either through a direct answer, or some 
other way.  If not, why send them in the first place?

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