[Info-vax] SPF and Spam (was: Re: Decuserve.org - Anyone know why it's down?)

Stephen Hoffman seaohveh at hoffmanlabs.invalid
Tue Jan 6 20:09:44 EST 2015

On 2015-01-07 00:53:39 +0000, John E. Malmberg said:

> SPF records have been adopted by spammers, and filtering on SPF will 
> have no effect on incoming spam.

Hey, wait a minute....  SPF records are very useful, John...
>From what I've seen lately, valid SPF records are more likely to be spam.
Alter the Spamassassin score accordingly.
Also lately, that the sending domain is newly-registered is another 
good flag that the message is spam, too.

Pure Personal Opinion | HoffmanLabs LLC

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