[Info-vax] Streaming a File on OpenVMS with Caché

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Thu Jan 15 17:09:15 EST 2015

Mack Altman III wrote:

> At this moment, I have a BIN file with the following DIR/FULL. In
> doing a DUMP/REC, each record is terminated at 512 bytes. When
> reading the file, the CR,LF also terminates the record.

Big question, is the CRLF actually in the file?  My experience is that 
if it's not in the transmission, than it's also not in the file.

If data is text, it should not be transfered as "binary".  Doesn't mean 
you cannot.

VMS will store a binary file as a set of 512 byte blocks.  That's what 
it does.  This is not a problem.  VMS will NOT insert any additional 
characters, including CR and LF.

Now, if you read the file, the software you're using just may add the 
CRLF to the data being read.  You need to determine if this is the case. 
  A variable length sequential file does not include record terminators. 
  It is the file attributes that indicate such may be needed, and it is 
the software that reads the records and presents the data to you that 
adds the CRFL.

As other have mentioned, if the data is text that has been transfered in 
a binary communication, you can easily change the attributes of the file 
to declare it a stream file, and when read you will get the text in the 
manner you expect.  The data in the file is just what has been transmitted.

What I haven't seen so far is some description of what you're actually 
doing.  Such may help in understanding your issues.  Lack of such might 
mean that nobody will be able to give you a reasonable answer.

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