[Info-vax] 64 bit DCL ?

Jan-Erik Soderholm jan-erik.soderholm at telia.com
Sun Jan 18 09:40:41 EST 2015

dodecahedron99 at gmail.com skrev den 2015-01-18 14:44:

[snipped why Python should *replace* DCL...]

You are more or less kicking in open doors. :-)

I have used Python as an complement/enhancement to DCL for
a long time now. There is no need to *replace* DCL.

The support for OpenVMS in the current Python port is already
quite good with most lexicals having Python libraries and
Python modules for the LIB$, SYS$ and so on system calls.
Add builtin/prebuilt Rdb and RMS interfaces to that.

You can easily add Python to your COM files today

$! Run some usual DCL processing
$ python
import Rdb
<do some Rdb processing, or whatever>
$! continue DCL processing...

And Python has builtin symbol/logical read/write so it is
easy to pass parameters or results beetween them.

What could be done, is to make the Python port more
offical from the VSI side. But technicaly it's
already there.


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