[Info-vax] 64 bit DCL ?

glen herrmannsfeldt gah at ugcs.caltech.edu
Sun Jan 18 17:55:38 EST 2015

JF Mezei <jfmezei.spamnot at vaxination.ca> wrote:
> On 15-01-18 12:10, Stephen Hoffman wrote:
>> There is a whole lot that DCL is just not very good at, whether it's 
>> the perpetual confusion around how many single and double-quotes and 
>> ampersands are needed that confuse new users and trip experienced 
>> users, 

> But don't all shells have some problem with the quoting ? VMS may be
> worse than others, but not alone.

Unix shells are pretty consistent in quoting, if you remember to
do it. I think that there are some things that you can't do in CMD
(the Windows shell) but I am not so sure. 

-- glen

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