[Info-vax] DCL's flaws (both scripting and UI)

Jan-Erik Soderholm jan-erik.soderholm at telia.com
Mon Jan 19 07:49:25 EST 2015

Matthew H McKenzie skrev den 2015-01-19 08:29:
> He has,
> I think a port of python would probably go a long way towards resolving
> these.

Available today.

> - abstracting too, the system calls in wrappers.

Available today (if you are still talkning about Python).

Here is what the interface to SYSQUI looks like.
This lists all queues, all jobs in the queues
and the filename of all files in those jobs:

from vms import queues
for q in queues.all_queues():
   print "Queue: ", q.queue_name
   for j in q.jobs():
     print "  Job: ", j.job_name
     for f in j.files:
       print "        Name: ", f.specification

Thats all.

You can of course get all other information and
also "do" things like deleting jobs.

> - leaving DCL mostly as it is, preserving snippet value.

Yes, DCL does what it does quite OK today...


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