[Info-vax] DCL's flaws (both scripting and UI)

Craig A. Berry craigberry at nospam.mac.com
Mon Jan 19 20:25:33 EST 2015

On 1/19/15 6:49 AM, Jan-Erik Soderholm wrote:
> Matthew H McKenzie skrev den 2015-01-19 08:29:
>> He has,
>> I think a port of python would probably go a long way towards resolving
>> these.
> Available today.
> http://www.vmspython.org/doku.php
>> - abstracting too, the system calls in wrappers.
> Available today (if you are still talkning about Python).
> Here is what the interface to SYSQUI looks like.
> This lists all queues, all jobs in the queues
> and the filename of all files in those jobs:
> ------------------------------------------------
> from vms import queues
> for q in queues.all_queues():
>    print "Queue: ", q.queue_name
>    for j in q.jobs():
>      print "  Job: ", j.job_name
>      for f in j.files:
>        print "        Name: ", f.specification
> ------------------------------------------------
> Thats all.
> You can of course get all other information and
> also "do" things like deleting jobs.

And you can do all of that in Perl as well with the VMS::Queue module,
which has been around for 17 years now. Here's something similar to the
above Python example:

use VMS::Queue;

for my $j (VMS::Queue::entry_list()) {
     my $jinfo = VMS::Queue::entry_info($j);
     print "Queue: $$jinfo{QUEUE_NAME} Job: $$jinfo{JOB_NAME}\n";
     for my $f (VMS::Queue::file_list($j)) {
         print "    File: $$f{FILE_SPECIFICATION}\n";

It can also decode bitmaps for you, which F$GETQUI can't do.

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