[Info-vax] DCL's flaws (both scripting and UI)

Jan-Erik Soderholm jan-erik.soderholm at telia.com
Tue Jan 20 19:08:24 EST 2015

Bill Gunshannon skrev den 2015-01-20 20:39:
> In article <07c34234-9fc9-4d76-8bd2-d7b41659da26 at googlegroups.com>,
> 	abrsvc <dansabrservices at yahoo.com> writes:
>> APL is the only languages where it is easier to re-write the code than to debug it.  Consise, yes.  Short programs. yes.  Easy to read and understand, not so much.
> Once again, matter of opinion.  Back when IBM was in it's prime they
> were partnered with Marist College in Poughkeepsie.  We used to get
> their interns for summer work.  Whizes with APL couldn't do anything
> with COBOL or Fortran.
> Oh, and I have been doing APL for over 30 years and I have no problem
> understanding it.  (Only do it for fun anymore, but still do it once
> in a while.)
> bill

This is one of the better APL tutorials I have seen:

I did some APL on an MVS mainframe in the 80's...


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