[Info-vax] [OT] APL (Was: Re: Re: DCL's flaws (both scripting and UI))

Norm Raphael norman.raphael at verizon.net
Wed Jan 21 12:42:45 EST 2015

 >On 01/21/15, abrsvc<dansabrservices at yahoo.com> wrote:
>APL is the only languages where it is easier to re-write the code than 
>to debug it. Consise, yes. Short programs. yes. Easy to read and 
>understand, not so much.

I wrote a program once in APL containing as array sort.  It worked, but 
when I looked at it later that day, I could not read the code.
 Norman F. Raphael
"Everything worthwhile eventually 
degenerates into real work." -Murphy

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