[Info-vax] free shell accounts?

glen herrmannsfeldt gah at ugcs.caltech.edu
Sat Jan 24 14:58:47 EST 2015

John E. Malmberg <wb8tyw at qsl.network> wrote:


> What I am seriously looking at is using LINUX to mirror a couple of SATA 
> disks and MSCP serve them through SimH/VAX/VMS at 1GB Ethernet and 100 
> Mb internet.

I have a Canvio Personal Cloud with a 3TB disk that I use 
through NFS on some machines. I haven't tried it with VMS yet.

Right when I decided to buy it, it seemed that Toshiba
discontinued it. I ended up buying one through Amazon that 
someone had bought and not used, and got a low price on it.

Toshiba says that it supports NFS, but the configuration doesn't
have an option for it. You have to log in (ssh ) which it does allow
you to do (no jailbreak needed) and change the startup file. 
It is pretty easy, as all the files are set up for it, but it
just isn't turned on.

-- glen

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