[Info-vax] MONO (.NET) for VMS

John E. Malmberg wb8tyw at qsl.network
Thu Jan 29 08:34:03 EST 2015

On 1/27/2015 4:38 PM, Richard Maher wrote:
> Has anyone tried or heard of anyone trying to port MONO to VMS?

The last time I looked, it needed a whole load of support libraries 
ported just to get started.

Now that GNV has been improved, it may be more practical to start 
porting those.

I have not looked in a while, but you probably need a current ncurses, 
and all the components for a current GTK+, which has been the biggest 
blocker to porting major open source programs to VMS with the needed 
functionality to be used.  Not lack of fork(), not OS features, just get 
current versions of those libraries, and a ton of useful applications 
will almost just compile and go.

> Two changes in Windows IIS application deployment I see happening at the
> moment is: -
> 1) Shared servers are back in vogue with web-farms and web-gardens. But
> a shared/single system-disk would really help here!!!
> 2) People seem to be deprecating (nay completely ignoring) the GAC. Now
> every application has to ship a copy of everything it needs bar the core
> OS.
> VMS certainly looks well placed to solve (1)?

Shared hosting for a partitioned linux host (simulated VM) is about $1 
U.S./month.  This looks like a real server to most applications, but is 
actually isolated using security features.  I have heard of people using 
them as public access points to SSH tunnel into their home systems 
instead of using dynamic DNS services.

Shared hosting for real Linux VMs starts at a little higher and 
continues to setups that cost real money.

For VMS to get its foot in the door for that market, the provider may 
need to be able to meet those entry price points.

wb8tyw at qsl.network
Personal Opinion Only

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