[Info-vax] MONO (.NET) for VMS

Richard Maher maher_rjSPAMLESS at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 29 19:04:48 EST 2015

On 1/30/2015 6:40 AM, johnwallace4 at yahoo.co.uk wrote:
> "How does single system image and sharing a disk help, given how easy it
> is to blast in a new disk image? "
> Maybe, just maybe, it gives you one system image to patch every Patch Tuesday,
> rather than one system image to patch per application?

And keep in synch.

One of the main benefits people are not mentioning is zero down time and 
the impact on Change Control.
> "Single system  image also means that one corrupted disk volume or some
> sort of infestation will take out multiple boxes"
> No worse than a LAN-wide malware infestation in a Windows setup, then?


> "Why try to resolve the prerequisites, when you can create a package
> that  contains and isolates all the dependencies for an application?"
> It's Patch Tuesday. Can anybody out there point me at an explanation
> of how Windows Update updates Side by Side assemblies in such a way
> as to fix every instance of the DLL being patched. Same question for
> the replacement of SxS?

Good question! How does it know what's in every BIN folder? They're 
isolated alright; so isolated they never get patched until the App 
itself gets updated and then make sure it's successfully updated on all 

> "the whole idea of trying to compete anywhere near head-on
> with Microsoft and Windows"

No. Microsoft is funding MONO on Linux so they see it as complementary 
and not competative.
> "VMS also lacks tools to easily load applications and layered products
> and compilers"


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