[Info-vax] BACKUP to nfs-share, some files are modified

wolfgangburgerunread at gmail.com wolfgangburgerunread at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 03:24:16 EST 2015

Thank you all for your answers and sorry for the confusion.

Some more details and answers.

- The VMS cluster will be shut down permanently and dismantled to free up rack space.
I might not be able to boot it up again. That´s why I want the files copied to some other system.

- It´s all types of files. (TXT, pictures, office-files, PDF, Pascal-source codes (only kept for reference and nostalgia))

- I don´t want to hide them in some BACKUP container (bck-file), as these are hard to decipher on another OS

- BUT I would like to keep the directory trees, so I can´t really use FTP. That´s why I tried to use BACKUP.
But without creating a container file. The command (example):
BACKUP disks:[data...] diskx:[transfer...]
where diskx is the mounted nfs-share.

- ZIP would be a good idea, but as far as I can tell, it´s not installed. 
I could try to install it, but I would need a "beginners guide" to do so.

- Stephen, can it really be an EOF problem with modified bytes all over the file? (see below)

- DIR /FULL and file data see below

- Yes, I was talking about the integrated COPY-command, sorry for the confusion

The options:
COPY - no way to keep directory tree, or is there?
FTP - no way to keep directory tree, or is there?
BACKUP to individual files - corrupting my files for yet unknown reasons
BACKUP to container file - basically unreadable on other OS
ZIP - not installed, any hints for beginners guide and executables?

Stephen, unfortunately Christoph Gartmann is no longer available.
I´m REALLY curious, how did you know where I´m working?
My name is ungoogleable as I share it with an OpenVMS-Blogger and a semi-famous german author.
I´ve used a throw-away email-address.
What am I missing here? 
I´ve created the post over google-groups, do real news-readers show the source ip?

Comparsion of the files:

  $ dir /full disks:[data]testfile.xls
  Directory DISKS:[DATA]
  TESTFILE.XLS;1                   File ID:  (71186,270,0)         
  Size:         51KB/1MB        Owner:    [SYSTEM]
  Created:    28-JUL-2013 07:06:05.50
  Revised:    28-JUL-2013 07:06:05.63 (1)
  Expires:    <None specified>
  Backup:     14-JAN-2014 01:55:07.48
  Effective:  <None specified>
  Recording:  <None specified>
  Accessed:   <None specified>
  Attributes: <None specified>
  Modified:   <None specified>
  Linkcount:  1
  File organization:  Sequential
  Shelved state:      Online 
  Caching attribute:  Writethrough
  File attributes:    Allocation: 2057, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0, No version limit
  Record format:      Variable length, maximum 0 bytes, longest 4378 bytes
  Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control
  RMS attributes:     None
  Journaling enabled: None
  File protection:    System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:
  Access Cntrl List:  None
  Client attributes:  None

  $ dir /full testfile.xls;1
  Directory DISKX:[TRANSFER]
  TESTFILE.XLS;1                    File ID:  (32282,32282,0)       
  Size:         51KB/51KB       Owner:    [SYSTEM]
  Created:    29-JAN-2015 16:14:24.00
  Revised:    28-JUL-2013 07:06:05.63 (1)
  Expires:    <None specified>
  Backup:     <No backup recorded>
  Effective:  <None specified>
  Recording:  <None specified>
  Accessed:   <None specified>
  Attributes: <None specified>
  Modified:   <None specified>
  Linkcount:  1
  File organization:  Sequential
  Shelved state:      Online 
  Caching attribute:  Unknown caching value: 0
  File attributes:    Allocation: 103, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0, No version limit
  Record format:      Variable length, maximum 0 bytes, longest 4378 bytes
  Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control
  RMS attributes:     None
  Journaling enabled: None
  File protection:    System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:
  Access Cntrl List:  None
  Client attributes:  None

But on the target system (size differs):
$ ls -l
-rwxr-x---  1 test  staff  52436 28 Jul  2013 testfile_backup_to_nfs.xls
-rwxr-x---  1 test  staff  51201 29 Jan 16:19 testfile_ftp.xls

HEX-Dump from middle of file (0A replaced by 18 00, happened hundreds of times, but with varying values for the replacement):

...79 3E 0A 09 09...

...79 3E 18 00 09 09...

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