[Info-vax] BACKUP to nfs-share, some files are modified

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Fri Jan 30 07:05:58 EST 2015

wolfgangburgerunread at gmail.com wrote:

> Stephen, unfortunately Christoph Gartmann is no longer available.
> I´m REALLY curious, how did you know where I´m working?

The wizard knows all ....


I don't know what you have, but what I'd be looking at is keeping the 
VMS system, if possible.  I've got several VMS systems at my house. 
Small, no GS type monsters.  But today, a small system can have lots of 
storage, and if it's just for you, doesn't need what a production system 
might have had.

I'm assuming that the company is going to get rid of the hardware. 
Maybe make a pitch to give you enough to keep a VMS system available, if 
ever needed.

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