[Info-vax] OpenVMS in the future, Open sourced or Closed? Intent is to keep it...

JF Mezei jfmezei.spamnot at vaxination.ca
Sat May 2 01:40:31 EDT 2015

On 15-05-02 00:42, IanD wrote:

> It would be interesting to know if VSI's intent is to open source OpenVMS where possible 

At the moment, it is my understanding that JP keeps rights to VMS and
has licensed VSI to play with the source code. If this is correct, then
VSI doesn't have the rights to decide to open source it.

My guess is that eventually, HP might just give VSI the kit, especially
at some point where VSI has modified enough of VMS that it isn't so
clear that HP owns the rights to that source code anymore. Not sure what
sort of precedents exist to decide at what point VSI gets rights over a
product after having changed it significantly from the owner's code.

With regards to the IP stack, it would not surprise me if VSI struck a
deal with Process.

> That being, I'm wondering if VSI will be open sourcing the new stack or keeping it closed

If VMS engineering remains in touch with the community, this may work
far better than open sourcing it and having the code move left and
right.  Having the engineering team communicate with end users/system
managers makes them responsive to needs and can shape the product and
make minor upgrades that really benefit the customers.

I recall Guy Peleg coming here before 8.3 was released and asking for
ideas for minor changes to DCL and backup which made it to 8.3 and was a
big improvement for customers.

On the other hand, for portions of VMS that VSI/HP do not intend to
update anymore it makes sense to let the community try to make updates
to it and if VSI finds the updates worthy, included it in distribution.

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