[Info-vax] Disposition of DEC Collection - Questions

Richard legalize+jeeves at mail.xmission.com
Tue May 12 14:54:50 EDT 2015

[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]

jeff at ihatespam.com spake the secret code
<mit86h$ul2$4 at speranza.aioe.org> thusly:

>After over a decade of not having time to enjoy it, I realize I need to pass
>on my collection of DEC hardware to those who can.  It consists mostly of
>Q-bus systems and parts, but also includes VAXStations, terminals, tapes,
>manuals, catalogs, DECUS literature, a couple of DEC 3000/500s---tons of stuff
>(literally), more than I can remember.

I'd be interested in anything that is graphics related for my computer
graphics museum I'm building in Salt Lake City.

     The Computer Graphics Museum <http://computergraphicsmuseum.org>

In particular, I'd be interested in graphics workstations that have
DEC designed 3D accelerators (there were more than a few over the
years), or even DEC designed 2D framebuffers for the earlier stuff.  I
am pretty well stocked on terminals as you can see from the pictures
at the above link :-).  So terminals should probably go to another
collector who has interest in such things.

Interesting terminals have pretty much dried up on ebay these days.
Regarding ebay, I have gotten most of my equipment from there.  I see
the same handful of sellers charging high prices for vintage stuff.  I
simply exclude them from my searches and then I can focus on the more
reasonably priced stuff.  As a capitalist, I have no problem with
those people charging whatever they want and more importantly I have
no problem with you making whatever you can from your collection.  So
by all means use ebay if you want.  There's no reason you should sell
stuff for less than precious metals scrap prices.

As for where people sell stuff, it depends on the person.  As I said,
I've gotten most of my stuff through ebay and have had good
experiences with that.  Not 100% perfection, but certainly >95%
satisfaction for the large number of transactions I've done over the
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book <http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline>
     The Computer Graphics Museum <http://computergraphicsmuseum.org>
         The Terminals Wiki <http://terminals.classiccmp.org>
  Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com>

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