[Info-vax] 8.4 and DECwindows CDE login box not coming up

JF Mezei jfmezei.spamnot at vaxination.ca
Tue May 26 13:25:45 EDT 2015

On 15-05-26 09:15, MG wrote:

> How come?  Just a simple verification if the hardware is in order, to
> see whether a specific video card works in another system (again, if
> you have one where it will work in, of course), for instance.

If the DECW$SERVER process comes up and the screen turns from the VGA
character cell console to the grey screen with hourglass mouse icon,
then the odds are very good that the graphics card works and has been

> How do you know that for sure?  For instance, do you have certain X11/
> DECwindows modules for hardware-acceleration loaded?  I don't recall
> how and what is exactly utilized (with regard to "Open3D" and such),
> but maybe it's the reason you might only see the mouse cursor?

Generally, you get a console (sys$output) error if a X application needs
some extension not present on the target X terminal.

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