[Info-vax] BASIC compiler in the hobbyist distribution

David Froble davef at tsoft-inc.com
Fri May 29 14:01:05 EDT 2015

lists at openmailbox.org wrote:
> On Fri, 29 May 2015 08:30:15 -0400
> Stephen Hoffman via Info-vax <info-vax at rbnsn.com> wrote:

big snip ...

> No, I'm proposing a port of OpenVMS to POWER would be well placed in order
> to get new business and stay viable as a premium OS. If VMS stoops to
> compete with commodity OS on Intel, Linux on Intel will wipe it out of
> existence.

That's two things.

First, VMS running on Power might be interesting.  As far as I know, 
Power is still faster than x86.  But what do I know.  It would at least 
give people an option.  However, I doubt the return on investment would 
be worth it.

Second, just because VMS runs on x86 doesn't mean that it's trying to 
compete with commodity OSs.  That is two separate issues.  Trying to say 
one leads to another is not a given.

>> Now for the wider and more general market, VSI just won't sell enough 
>> POWER boxes to matter.  POWER is a dead-end, per all the hardware 
>> architecture trends.  By all external appearances, IBM is spinning off, 
>> opening up, and otherwise getting out of that business.
> IBM also got out of the x86 business. Is Intel a dead-end therefore? I
> think it is, but not for the reasons you mentioned.
>> Doing what they can to keep it going, but it's not headed in the right
>> direction. If the VSI goal is volume sales on reliable hardware — and 
>> seasoned_geek posted a pretty good testimonial to the general quality 
>> of some of those Lenovo x86 server choices — then that's x86 boxes.  
> No matter how hard you bang the Intel drum you are not going to convince
> everybody. There are those of us who realize the best Intel crapware ever
> made isn't premium hardware and won't ever be.

I remember the PDP 11/40.  Compared to today's commodity HW, the 11/40 
was much less.  Crapware doesn't even begin to describe the difference. 
  Do I like Intel?  No.  If I need an x86 processor I choose AMD.  Not 
that Intel will miss me, but, I don't like their business practices.

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